Buenos Aires Real Estate West Zone - Español
Santos Lugares (Holy Places) is located within the district of Tres de Febrero (3rd of February) in the province of Buenos Aires.
The name is taken from the train station "Holy Places" which has origin from a proposal for a Franciscan church that was established in the neighborhood.
While the records show that the establishment of the neighborhood of Santos Lugares (Holy Places) can be said to have been in August of 1850, it was also in that month Manuel Lynch purchased the lands and rented it to some farmers who then sold their produce to city dwellers in Buenos Aires. Two years later, on the borders of the Neighbourhood the Battle of Caseros took place and after this when the foundations of the Lourdes Basilica (in 1922) and the first houses were being dug they found the human remains of some of the soldiers who had died in the battle and hence name Santos Lugares became a point of reference for the neighborhood.
The neighborhood is located between two railway lines that have acted as a catalyst for people to settle in the area, especially around Buenos Aires, in this sense the neighborhood has a priveleged location as it is between the stations of Lourdes and Santos Lugares on top of this the Avenue of General Paz is very close to the neighborhood which gives the main access to down town Buenos Aires through Villa Devoto.
- Rentals and Sales of Houses, Apartments, Offices, Gated Community, Town House, and other Properties.
- Real Estate Santos Lugares.
- Sales, rentals, short term, commercial, student accommodation, holiday lets y de apartment share.
- Owner reltals, Owner Sale,
- Santos Lugares limits with the areas of:
Moron and
Hurlingham in Western Greater Buenos Aires;
to the North of Greater Buenos Aires with: General San Martin and San Miguel;
and with the following areas of the city of Buenos Aires: Liniers, Versalles, Villa Real and part of Villa Devoto.